A limited liability company (LLC) is a type of business entity you can register in your state. The main purpose of an LLC company is to limit the personal liability of its owners—like a C corporation or S corporation—but it also allows the business to operate with simpler, more flexible tax requirements.
As a unique business entity type within the industry, LLCs also have the added benefit of flexible taxation; for federal taxes, an LLC is taxed as a pass-through-entity (like a sole proprietorship, partnership, or S corporation) by default, but it can also elect to be taxed as a C corporation. This flexibility lets an LLC’s members (another term for owners) find the taxation structure that works best for their finances, all while staying completely legal. LLCs’ unique product in the corporate world includes potential tax savings and personal liability protection, which are just a few of the numerous benefits of an LLC.
To form an LLC, you’ll need to file articles of organization with the state. Each state has its own rules, but our experience across all states helps us keep things moving when we file on your behalf.
Here are a few things you’ll need to keep in mind to get your LLC up and running.
Choose and reserve a name
Pick a registered agent (RA)
File articles of organization
Determine licenses needed
At RGB LOGIX, we streamline the process of creating your Limited Liability Company, offering expertise, personalized guidance, and cost-effective solutions. Our seasoned professionals ensure a seamless experience, empowering your business journey. Choose RGB LOGIX for a simple, efficient, and expert-led approach to LLC formation – where your success begins.
Every state has different rules, costs, and considerations for LLC formation.
Alabama LLC | Hawaii LLC | Massachusetts LLC | New Mexico LLC | South Dakota LLC |
Alaska LLC | Idaho LLC | Michigan LLC | New York LLC | Tennessee LLC |
Arizona LLC | Illinois LLC | Minnesota LLC | North Carolina LLC | Texas LLC |
Arkansas LLC | Indiana LLC | Mississippi LLC | North Dakota LLC | Utah LLC |
California LLC | Iowa LLC | Missouri LLC | Ohio LLC | Vermont LLC |
Colorado LLC | Kansas LLC | Montana LLC | Oklahoma LLC | Virginia LLC |
Connecticut LLC | Kentucky LLC | Nebraska LLC | Oregon LLC | Washington LLC |
Delaware LLC | Louisiana LLC | Nevada LLC | Pennsylvania LLC | West Virginia LLC |
Florida LLC | Maine LLC | New Hampshire LLC | Rhode Island LLC | Wisconsin LLC |
Georgia LLC | Maryland LLC | New Jersey LLC | South Carolina LLC | Wyoming LLC |
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